
Hello, I'm Eoghan Russell and I have a BSc in Computer Games Development from University of Limerick, I'm currently working as a Cloud Orchestration Software Engineer at Intel Shannon. I have always enjoyed mathematics, problem solving Euler Problems in my spare time and gaming, so programming seemed to be a logical choice for me and since starting college I have gotten really hooked into it. My passion for learning led me into creating this website. I am currently Treasurer of the Trampoline & Gymnastics club in UL. I enjoy socialising and working with others to get tasks complete.

Skills & Abilities


Java is the language I currently have the most experience with due to it being the primary language in first year. I have created college and personal projects in it. I’m also able to use JUnit to test programs and/or create a project using the test-driven development method.


I have some C experience from first semester of second year, and some basic knowledge of C++.


MYSQL was part of my course in first semester of second year, I have worked on a group project that involved creating a database for a plausible imaginary system.


I am completely self-thought in this language. I have some experience in HTML & CSS from creating and designing this website.


Many of my college projects required working in a team environment. I also worked as part of a team in game jams and other events. I have found teamwork to be very important in getting tasks complete, splitting up the workload and assigning responsibilities to the right person.


I have started to learn this language in my spare time. I have started with a few basic programs to familiarise myself with it and have a snake game.

Events & Achievements

I have received two letters of academic achievement from the President of UL for achieving QCA over 3.6 in my first year exams. I am part of the Games Development Society in UL and have taken part in game jams to create games in unity! I also took part in the ACIFooBarChallenge , in which we had to solve coding challenges in teams of three using java and my team took first place!

I became a member of the UL Trampoline & Gymnastics club in first year and took a huge interest. Since then i have been going to competitions across Ireland to compete and to meet new people was very beneficial for myself! I currently compete at Advanced level. I became the Treasurer of the club by second year and therefore I was responsible for budgeting, payment and overall money management.

In 2019 I participated in a team of four in Gamesfleadh, the theme was platformers. Unfortunately we didnt win anything but it was a great experience where we learned how to create a game from scratch and saw what other groups had come up with. We also got a lot of feedback from people in industry on what we could improve on. We got to listen to talks from industries which was interesting.


League Management - Java

This program prompts the admin to login. Each admin can have multiple leagues and once an admin is logged in they can manage their leagues by selecting different options.

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Facility Management - Java

This program first makes sure all bookings and decommissioned facilities are still valid by comparing their date with current date and then allows a user to login. There are two type of users an admin and a regular user, both having different options.

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Vending Machine - Java

This program simulates a vending machine. The program first reads the data from files into the program and then prompts the user to choose if they want a CLI or a GUI menu. Then the programs shows the menu with options to the user.

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Fruitoidal(GamesFleadh) - Unity/C#

This was made using the unity game engine for GamesFleadh 2019.

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This was made using the unity game engine for a game Jam. Its a 2 person game where one person attempts to knock down the other.

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